North Carolina | Grant Support Services


For North Carolina Communities

Grant & Funding Support

We are a nonprofit professional services organization committed to enhancing community resilience. With decades of serving governments within North Carolina and across the US with grant and funding support, we can assist you with grants assistance to help your community meet its goals.

We can help!

IBTS can help you:

Find and secure funding

Submit effective grant applications

Implement and manage grant awards

Achieve your community's resilience goals!


Working with IBTS means having a partner who can assist you from grant and funding identification through closeout.

  • Local Government Expertise
  • Subrecipient Eligibility
  • Nonprofit committment to your community
A group of business people are sitting around a table with laptops.


Consultation & Collaboration

We work with you to understand your needs, goals, and priorities.


Thorough investigation of grant and funding opportunities available for your government.


Assistance from community profile through submission.


Complete grant management and compliance services.

An aerial view of a city skyline at sunset with the sun shining through the trees.

Our grant services in action

North Carolina Department of Commerce

$236M in CDBG-DR and $168M in CDBG-MIT funding

As subrecipient, IBTS provided grant management and compliance for the State at lower cost, ensuring grant compliance and providing staff augmentation and training.

Reach Out

Please use the following contact form to reach out to us with your inquiries and feedback.

Service Template Page Contact Form

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