As the contract monitoring agent for the Federal Manufactured Housing Program through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), IBTS is responsible for the monitoring and assessing the business processes and procedures of the participating manufacturers, third party agencies and state government agencies.
For manufactured home label verification, or data plate/performance verification certificates: → Click here
Our multidiscipline professionals provide the expertise, qualifications, and capacity your projects require. Our team includes:
24 CFR 3280, 3282/3284, 3285/3286 and 3288
Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program
Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards & Manufactured Housing Installation Rules and Regulations
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and Related Interpretative Bulletins
Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations and Enforcement Interpretive Bulletins, Manufactured Housing Program Fee, and National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (as of August 2004)
24 CFR 3280, 3282/3284, 3285/3286 and 3288
Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program
Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards & Manufactured Housing Installation Rules and Regulations
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and Related Interpretative Bulletins
Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations and Enforcement Interpretive Bulletins, Manufactured Housing Program Fee, and National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (as of August 2004)
IBTS has managed manufactured home data on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for nearly 50 years. Starting in the 1970s, IBTS (then organized as the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, or NCSBCS) began providing contract facilitation and coordination between HUD and the manufactured housing industry following HUD’s 1976 release of Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (MHCSS, or HUD code). Today, IBTS assists homeowners, brokers, and real estate agents with accessing documentation to determine if a home is built according to HUD code and, if so, how it was designed and constructed.
Through our existing indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract with FEMA to provide technical support services (TSS), IBTS provides quality assurance for thousands of FEMA’s NexGen manufactured housing units (MHUs), including quality monitoring during production, risk levels for non-conformance, technical support for deviations, and design improvement suggestions to further streamline production at manufacturing facilities across the U.S.
Please use the following contact form to reach out to us with your inquiries and feedback.