El trabajo de IBTS está guiado por una Junta Directiva compuesta por representantes de cinco asociaciones nacionales que representan a los gobiernos a nivel de ciudad, condado y estado. Esto significa que nuestros esfuerzos están informados directamente por funcionarios electos y designados, lo que brinda a IBTS una visión única de las necesidades, desafíos y prioridades del sector público.
Comisionado del Condado, Condado de Travis, Texas
La Asociación Nacional de Condados La Asociación Nacional de Condados (NACo) une a los 3.069 gobiernos de condados de Estados Unidos. Fundada en 1935, NACo sirve a los gobiernos de los condados reuniendo a funcionarios de los condados para defender con una voz colectiva la política nacional, intercambiar ideas y desarrollar nuevas habilidades de liderazgo, buscar soluciones transformadoras para los condados, enriquecer la comprensión del público sobre el gobierno del condado y ejercer un liderazgo ejemplar en público servicio.
Administrador del Condado, Condado de Sarasota, Florida
Asociación Internacional de Administración de Ciudades/Condados La Asociación Internacional de Administración de Ciudades/Condados (ICMA) promueve el gobierno local profesional en todo el mundo. La misión de la organización es crear excelencia en la gobernanza local mediante el desarrollo y fomento de una gestión profesional para construir mejores comunidades. ICMA representa a administradores de ciudades y condados en todo el país.
President and CEO, CG Opportunities for Underprivileged
Engineering Program Manager, United States Department of the Navy
Institute for Building Technology and Safety
IBTS is a national nonprofit organization and trusted advisor and partner to local, state,
and federal governments. IBTS provides building code expertise; federal grants
management; disaster planning, mitigation, and recovery expertise; local government
solutions; solar quality assurance; and resilience services.
Deputy Director, Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, Energy
& Sustainability Program Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Council of State Governments
The Council of State Governments (CSG), founded in 1933, is our nation’s only
organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based
forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape
public policy. This offers unparalleled regional, national and international opportunities
to network, develop leaders, collaborate and create problem-solving partnerships.
CSG members include state officials.
Colorado Resiliency Office Director
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) develops
innovative solutions to today’s most pressing public policy challenges and is the only
research and development firm that directly serves the nation’s governors. NGA
represents governor’s offices of the 55 states, territories, and commonwealths
of the United States.
City Councilmember, Chandler, AZ
National League of Cities
The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better
communities. Working in partnership with the 49 state municipal leagues, NLC serves as
a resource to and an advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages and towns it
represents. NLC’s members consist of elected municipal officials.
County Commissioner, Travis County, Texas
National Association of Counties
Brigid Shea, a former award-winning NPR reporter, has been a dedicated climate advocate
in Texas since 1988. Over her 36-year career, she has become a respected environmental
leader, serving as a three-term Travis County Commissioner in Austin, Texas, and as
U.S. Board Chair of ICLEI USA-Local Governments for Sustainability. She also holds
leadership roles in NACo, including Vice Chair of the Environmental Energy Land Use
Steering Committee and Resilient Counties Advisory Board. Her work has earned Travis
County four NACo Achievement Awards for resilience initiatives. Brigid passionately
champions the vital role of local governments in addressing the climate crisis and
preparing communities for its impacts.
County Administrator, Sarasota County, Florida
International City/County Management Association
Before becoming County Administrator, Lewis served as City Manager of North Port
(2011–2017), Deputy City Manager of Palm Bay (2004–2011), and Assistant Town Manager
of Belleair. He holds a B.A. in Political Science and an M.P.A. from the University of South
Florida and completed Harvard’s Senior Executive in State and Local Government Program.
A Credentialed Manager (ICMA), he has led several professional associations, including
the Florida Association of County Managers and Florida City/County Management
Association. He currently serves on the National Association of County Administrators'
Board of Directors.
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